Monday, September 10, 2007


After finishing the play Pygmalion, my class started on another play which was Anike. It was a similar play as Antigone but it was written in a Malaysian context because it was written by a Malaysian writer by the name Wong Pui Nam. For me I felt the play was as interesting as Antigone. At first I felt a bit confused coz it was kinda a different a bit from Antigone and it confused me a lot. Thanks goes to my lecture DR. Edwin who actually clarified my confusion on the play. I could actually understand better the play and relate it back to Antigone. I also could see the similarities and differences found in the play. After reading and studying the play, I felt that Wong Piu Nam is a good play writer as he could actually revise a play from a Greek play into Malaysian context! So, there nothing Malaysian can’t do!

1 comment:

Amardev said...

Wow!! That’s the first word that came out of my mouth when I read your blog on Anike…..Surprisingly you actually loved Anike…I totally agree with you that Antigone helped me understand Anike better because I can easily relate the characters and their traits as well as their flaws…I cant’ imagine reading Anike without Dr Edwin’s guidance….….it would have been a total disaster…. trust me…it could have made me even more confused because certain dialogues are different and I often tend to read Anike as if I was reading Antigone…Dr made it very clear about the similarities and differences in Anike as well as Antigone…and that was definitely a great help…I too agree that Wong Phui Nam is a very talented play writer because revising Antigone into his own words is indeed a tough job…I’m very proud of him….but unfortunately I didn’t enjoy Anike….