Thursday, October 18, 2007

Stimulated teaching part ii

Last Wednesday we had our second part of stimulated teaching. I paired again with Diana. This time we were not tensed up as were in the first part of stimulated teaching. We were the third group for this stimulated teaching. During the teaching, both of us read the extract. I was watching out my reading, as I don’t want to pronounce the words wrongly. The pre reading and while reading part, my friend Diana carried out the teaching. While she was teaching, I was supposed to write the students’ answer on the board but I forgot that Dr. Edwin have to ask me to write on the board. I was embarrassed actually. Then when I carried out the teaching, Dr. Edwin stopped me in the middle and said that the activity was too complicated, as we did not provide guidelines. We were quit disappointed as we did not manage to conclude the lesson. Besides that, we also did not use technology, as we did not know that we should use technology in the teaching. Overall, I feel that we did not do better that our first stimulated teaching however I manage to get a B for this stimulated teaching.
In the stimulated teaching carried out on that day, most of my cousemates did not use technology, only Mei Hui and her pair used technology, they used transperency to teach. i feel that by they using transperency, students could understand better as they have a clear idea on whats goin on the class as the teachers act as a guide to the students.
The stimulated teaching was actually continued on Friday, i feel my coursemates who teach on friday did better as they used technology. Maybe they have seen the mistakes done by those who presented on Wednesday and they improved their teaching.
Among all of them, i liked Munirah Musthapha and her pair, i feel that they have presented well, they used technology to show the extract and give the answer through powerpoint presentation.Their instructions are clear and i as a students know what i'm supposed to do. The way they question their students are good as they ask for students justification. Overall i feel everyone has put in their effort and done their best.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

King Lear- an interesting play to be read...

After finishing Pygmalion, Dr. Edwin started with a new play which is a Shakespearean play entitle King Lear… in my mind I could image the play goin to be tough as i know that shakespearean language is not easy to understand.. The book itself is a great help indeed as it is a student’s edition. It provides with meaning of difficult phrases and a has a short summary on each page. It helps me a lot in getting to understand the play. Besides that, Dr. Edwin also has given us the overview of what the story is all about and the imagery that occurs along its way before we read the book. Furthermore, the pop quiz that he held proves to be a great help as it has help me to understand better the play… Dr. Edwin also have guided us by reading the play and explaining to us the significant parts which actually helps me a lot in enhancing my understanding of the play. …Overall I could say that with Dr. Edwin’s explanation of the play I actually kinda liked the play very much… it’s an interesting play with lots of ups and downs. It is also full with virtues that I could gain from it such as never to be too proud and arrogant with the power and authority that you have as the wheel of fortune will play its part. The saying goes, what comes around goes around. This could be seen clearly in Lear as he was too arrogant and proud that in the end he actually falls to be just a mad old man. I ‘m now looking forward to read the last play which is ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’. I wonder what is the play all about… the title itself looks appealing to me, I wonder how’s the story line will be….

Thursday, October 11, 2007


2 weeks before I watched a movie entitles Macbeth. I was excited as I was looking forward to watch the movie. I have heard people talking about the movie… it was a tragedy actually. It was an early start as we have to watch the movie at 8pm. This time the movie started on time but there were on handful at first. Most of them came around 8.45am. This maybe due to the experience watching Shakespeare Walla which starts late due to technical problems. As the movie, Macbeth started, I watch with full interest and I didn’t feel bored at all. It was such a nice movie to be watched. By watching this movie I actually could relate to the current play that I’m reading, King Lear. It kinda a similar play. I could see Macbeth’s tragic flaw which happens as a result of trusting his wife Lady Macbeth, that he actually follows her order to kill the King in order to be the King himself and later regrets the act that he had committed. This is similar to Lear in King Lear where he also falls from a higher place as a result of trusting his two daughters which in the end betrayed his trust. Lear in the end could be seen regretting his act just as Macbeth regrets his act

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Shakespeare Walla....

On Friday, I watched a play entitle …Shakespeare Walla looking at it name make me think what the movie was all about… hmmm…. It was not a good start as the room doesn’t have sound system… and the movie started late… the movie was a dreggy one I could say, I didn’t enjoy it at all… part of the movie was in hindi without subtitle… I find part of it kinda difficult to understand. There was once I was restless that I wanted the movie to end faster… that was the time that I felt my watch was ticking so slowly... when the movie actually ended I sighed relieved… at last it ended !! This was my first time I felt bored watching a movie… I was actually expecting an interesting movies as the title sounds interesting to me… one thing that I learned from this movie is that its kinda mocks at Shakespeare’s play… I dunno it’s just what I felt… there nothing much I could actually write on this movie as I don’t enjoy it very much…