Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Shakespeare Walla....

On Friday, I watched a play entitle …Shakespeare Walla looking at it name make me think what the movie was all about… hmmm…. It was not a good start as the room doesn’t have sound system… and the movie started late… the movie was a dreggy one I could say, I didn’t enjoy it at all… part of the movie was in hindi without subtitle… I find part of it kinda difficult to understand. There was once I was restless that I wanted the movie to end faster… that was the time that I felt my watch was ticking so slowly... when the movie actually ended I sighed relieved… at last it ended !! This was my first time I felt bored watching a movie… I was actually expecting an interesting movies as the title sounds interesting to me… one thing that I learned from this movie is that its kinda mocks at Shakespeare’s play… I dunno it’s just what I felt… there nothing much I could actually write on this movie as I don’t enjoy it very much…

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